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La Kodaly Bundle

I finished up my Bundle of La songs and I am really pleased with how they all turned out. There are SO many great songs out there to teach la, so I looked for some tried and true favorites and maybe one or two that may not be used as often. With each song I include slides for preparing, presenting and practicing the new concept. This gives me the flexibility to change which song I am going to use to present the concept if I think they will really feel/hear it better with that song.

Here are a few clips of my la bundle:

Songs include:
Bounce High, Bounce Low
Ickle Ockle
Johnny's It
Naughty Kitty Cat
Snail, Snail

Here is an example of a page from each. I have blogged about these:

This set is available from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store here. You can save $5 by purchasing the bundle vs each one separately, but if you just want one or two songs from the set, they are also available for individual purchase, just click on the song title below. You can see more pictures of each one and download preview of some of them this way.

Johnny's It
Ickle Ockle
Naughty Kitty Cat
Bounce High, Bounce Low
Snail, Snail

All of these also include slides for steady beat, rhythmic icons, rhythm with stick notation and for any that ta rest is the new rhythmic concept there are also slides included to prepare, present and practice ta rest.

If  you have already purchased one of these individually but would like to purchase the bundle, I would be happy to send you another file for free equivalent to the one you purchased. Simply send me an email to after you have purchased the bundle stating your TpT username and the items you have purchased and what item(s) you would like for free.

Don't forget, my store-wide sale ends tomorrow, 4-1-13!

Hope you had a Happy Easter,


Rhythm Flashcard Mega Set

 This set contains rhythm patterns for Kodaly Level 1 and 2 concepts:
- ta and titi
- ta rest
- half note
- sixteenth notes (tika-tika, or whatever your rhythm language calls it)
- ti-tika
This set contains well over  200 flashcards that you can print on card stock in white or color by concept, cut on the line and laminate to keep FOREVER!

I print 3-4 per set so that I can put rhythms for whole songs on the board if I want to, and often rhythm patterns repeat in a song, so it is helpful to print more than one set. 

 Flashcards come with both stick notation... well as standard notation with note heads:

Also included is a list of ideas for using the rhythm cards so that you don't get stuck in a rut using them the same way every time.

This set is available at my Teachers Pay Teachers store here.

They can also be purchased individually. Right now I am having a STORE-WIDE SALE through 4/1/13.

Happy Easter Weekend,


A Bundle of Spring Songs

We still have snow here on the ground in Kansas but with Easter this weekend I am finding myself wishing for the warmer weather and looking forward to spring.

I don't really teach in themed units, but if there are folk songs that are appropriate to the season and contain the concepts we are preparing or practicing, I try to include them.

All of the songs in this bundle are available individually on my TPT store, but if you are interested in several you can save several dollars by purchasing as the bundle.

This set contains these seven songs:

 A few page examples:

 Examples of Solfa Street (in song slides):
 Spring time vocal exploration:

This bundle is available here:

Or you can check out each individual song by following these links:
John the Rabbit
Old Mister Rabbit
Closet Key
Frog in the Meadow
Pitter Patter
Rain Rain Go Away
Come Back Home My Little Chicks
Spring Vocal Explorations

Happy Spring!


Ickle Ockle: a song for ta rest or la

This song is perfect for my kiddos. I pull it out first when preparing ta rest. When creating my slides for the songs I always include slides that work specifically for preparing, presenting or practicing a concept. That gives me the flexibility to use it however I want. When deciding which song I am going to use to "present" a concept, I always pick one they know and sing well. So it may not be the same one every year. This year I used "Naughty Kitty Cat" to present ta rest but I used this song in the prepare and practice stage and can pull it back out when we get to la. Sometimes I focus just of the rhythm aspect of the song or pitch aspect of that song depending on the grade level. Since this song contains just so, mi and la and ta, titi and z, it is great for rhythm or pitch use. 

Game: Students are standing in a circle with partners in promenade hold. One student (or the teacher) is in the middle of the circle. During the song, partners walk clockwise. After "please choose me" all players must drop hands and quickly find a new partner. But here's the catch: the person in the middle is going to try to steal someone's partner so that they don't have to be in the middle anymore. If they are successful, a new person will be "it" in the middle and the game will start over. If they are not successful, they are still "it" and the game repeats. It is a lot of fun for the kids! You just have to really emphasize that they do not want to be it, and that if someone wants to be their partner, you need to go with them. 

Examples of preparation slides for rhythm:

I always start out with steady beat-

 Then move to rhythmic icons:

 Show known rhythms and new mystery rhythm:

Presentation slides: 

 I also include slides like this on my TpT PDF in case a teacher labels it differently they can still use this:

I actually show my kids both ways of making the ta rest, but I just say that one is kind of tricky so it's ok to use "Z", but a lot of times they like to use the "fancy" version, so I let them.

Melodic preparation slides:

Presentation slides: 

Solfa Street:

Practice slides: 

Finally we read with standard noation:

I usually write it out in F do and G do so kids can practicing seeing the new note on both lines and spaces.

A few extras:

Iconic flashcards without solfege:

 Iconic flashcards with solfege:

 Rhythm stick with solfa flashcards:

Hope those of you who are on Spring Break are enjoying your last day! I go back to school tomorrow.
