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These are a few of my Favorite Pins - September 2013

I know I have mentioned how much I LOVE pinterest. I saw that Aileen Miracle from Mrs. Miracle's Music Room was hosting a linky party for our favorite pins and I thought I would join in the fun!

1. "The Mountain Story"

This pin: 

led me to a fantastic blog by Allison Corbin named Mallets & Music. To help her students remember which end of the Orff instruments is high and which is low, she tells a story of a mountain and an earthquake. Check out her blog for the full story!

Mountain after earthquake

2.  Movement to Nursery Rhymes

This pin led me to lots of great ideas for incorporating movement with nursery rhymes. My favorite was having foam puzzle pieces connected to make a "clock on the floor" for Hickory Dickory Dock. The students can take turns being the mouse, running up and down the clock while the kids chant.
A lot of these ideas would be fun for a collaboration day between music and PE.

3. Organization and decoration ideas

This gorgeous classroom belongs to Cara at Miscellaneous Me. If you are looking for ways to make your room super cute and functional, check out her blog post! 

4. TPT Product
This bundled set of "I Can" statements by Aileen Miracle has been such a life saver for me this year. All of the objectives are written in kid friendly "I can" language and include cards for both preparing an element (without naming the element) and practicing elements. My principal was very happy to see these in my room and I think it is great for kids to see and label what they are doing.

5. Inspirational
I saw this pin the night after my History and Philosophy of Music Ed class had a group discussion on whether or not the kind of music we listens to has an impact on our character. What do you think? Does listening to and performing good music make your a better person? Does listening to "bad" music or music with obscene language make you a bad person? 

What were your favorite pins of September? Link up by clicking on the picture at the top of the blog post.

Don't miss out on my Monday Music Manipulatives link up tomorrow! Get your blog post ready!


  1. Thanks for the shout out, and for joining the party! You had a few that I hadn't seen--very cool! I am just about to work on my post for your linky party tomorrow. :)

    1. Absolutely! I'm glad you were able to find some new (hopefully helpful) pins! My post tomorrow will be short and sweet.
