We are having some great fun with rainy day activities and the timing is perfect as we have been getting some rainy days here in Kansas.
I read a book "Rain Talk" with my kids and I get out my rain sticks and have students help to create the rain storm using the rain sticks. You could use any rainy book. I found this one at Goodwill. I always love to rummage through the cheap books to find ways to tie in literature with my songs. Kids are not read to at home very much anymore, and I feel like this is so important for developing reading skills and imagination so I do my part to help out! This book has some opportunities for vocal exploration and I usually add a sol-mi melody to parts of the text. I sing the song "Rain Rain Go Away" every other page turn and that is their cue that they need to pass their rain stick on to let someone else have a turn.
The kids really enjoy this and I have found that it's a fun way to introduce the song "Rain Rain".
We put "Rain Rain" on our body scale- "high" on our heads and "low" on our shoulders. I have these slides like this that I use for high and low:
They are available in my "Rain Rain" collection , my Songs for Spring, or my Sol-Mi Bundle on my teachers pay teachers store.
I also use my flashcards for this:
My Sol-Mi flashcard kit had flashcards like this and with the solfege under the icon. This kit is also in the Sol-Mi Bundle.
Next we prepare for steady beat by practicing tapping to the rain drops on the board:
Once we know I will bring this song back for "The way the words go", "long/short" sounds, and ta/titi.
Once we get to ta-titi, here are some fun activities I have created to go with it!
Team clouds:
I cut out these little rain drops and stick tape on the back and we tape it to the team's cloud every time they get a point. The team with the most raindrops on their cloud wins!
Other ideas:
Match iconic rhythm to real rhythm
You can purchase this game from my tpt store and download a preview of it here.
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